
Keep telling yourself that.

I’m not even buying this game until the GOTY version. Never again, WB.

I really thought this was some sort of dessert pizza, like a brownie dough, chocolate fudge and peanut butter toppings.

Oh man, on first glance I thought that was some badass chocolate chocolate peanut butter cookie madness.

How stupid are you if you pre-order this, after Unity?

DON’T ANY OF YOU PRE-ORDER THIS! Wait until it comes out, we can’t let Unity be an ok thing.

Put in an obviously photoshopped image with his face and the quote and I’ll believe it.


Are you going to straight up tell Microsoft “no, I can´t do what you are expecting me to do. I will make the product we originally agreed on, and if you want more, shove more money my way”?

1) Seriously, MS. Screw you. This seems to have been handled idiotically.

What the fuck, Microsoft.

Meanwhile, with the women...

There's nothing wrong with that strategy — games like Xenogears and Final Fantasy Tactics take similar approaches, and they're generally considered by RPG fans to be two of the greatest video game stories ever told. The big difference? Xenogears and Tactics actually work to make you care about their characters. Could

I know this isn't what it's being talked about but.... Functional armor and not a bit of skin shown, yet looks awesome. Need other people to take a cue from this.

Tell me about it.

I have read the manga over 12 years and the early days were so good. It had good messages and was actually well written. Then it all went down hill after the Pein Arc. Seriously, that is when things got weird and things stopped making sense and started being more cliche and stupid. In fact, it went

hahah I sort of feel the same.

The final third of it was pretty terrible, as was the ending, but one of the reasons I continued to follow the manga was simply because it had been with me for like 10 years.
It's the same reason why I still read Bleach, and that one has become really really really bad over the years

Then, of course, there were loads of commenters who didn't think this was a big deal. You might agree. You might not. "Isn't this freedom of speech?" asked one.

Dunno about the original image, but the kick was shopped in case you didn't know that. The kicker is Suzaku from Code Geass. The meme is Spinzaku, there's a lot of images like this.

I didn't know he did Twitch live streams. I've been subbed to this dude on Youtube for awhile, and he's absolutely awesome and talented. A passionate rendition of Dire Dire Docks made me an instant fan. Nice idea to go to Twitch though and it's great that the community has warmly recieved him. That stream should