
It’s is never too late, brother. Do no avert your ears from the truth.

No, it is pretty clear and official that Tidus is pronounced “Teedus”. I know it’s completely unimportant in general, but to me it is a big deal.

Dude, it’s Tidus as in “Tee-dus”, not “Taidus” or “Tiedus”

It’s not like the design needs it in the first place. The character is already gorgeous the way it is.

Ugly? Are you fucking... dsiuahmkef... wait, I can’t let myself get worked up about this.... Just what kind of standards do you heave about beauty? Damn.

So many people already missed the sarcasm I am already starting to doubt you were being sarcastic to begin with. I don’t know what is real anymore...

“Assholes need not apply”... hmm, if I were you I would put that in the job listing.

According to most reviews this game is just okay. But what about the players? Metacritic score is around 4. So who here can tell me about this game? Is the score accurate?

What? Ubisoft’s conference had terrible cringe, tasteless jokes? It’s like they don’t do that every year...

God... trying so hard to be cool with the kids, it’s like everyone making this game lives in a fantasy world and have no idea how real people are and what they like.

Man, so much nostalgia. I was like “Wait... I know this...” then OH WOHAAAH!. But I forgot his name, so I googled “dalton brothers french comic”, lol. Lucky Luke is awesome, good times reading the comics as a kid.

That’s not Woody, bro...

Wasn’t she a ninja? why she is not wearing that in any of the other games?

Why she wearing a school uniform though?

Cool! I hope you write more when the show is over. Apparently it is only going to be 12 episodes.

That guy is the best.

And I appreciate your article as well as your reply. I wonder if the reason for the series missing the mark is its insistence in trying to ape AoT beyond the basic premise. There are some many parallels that you have to think the people making it are intentionally trying to one up their most popular series.

It’s good to finally see someone else with a reasonable perspective about this series. Everyone else seems to be overwhelmingly positive about it, which is kinda frustrating. Personally I get more pissed off about the series each week, not because I think it is bad, but because I keep expecting it to go beyond average

Sega killed itself.

Oh man, if only they had recorded that stuff. I would love to see this.