Lol. Speaking of this, if you believe any major Nintendo games are still coming to the Wii U, you’re delusional. Zelda may be the only exception, but that is going to be cross gen with their next console.
Lol. Speaking of this, if you believe any major Nintendo games are still coming to the Wii U, you’re delusional. Zelda may be the only exception, but that is going to be cross gen with their next console.
Except they forgot to consider that the body would also be lifted by the punch. The dummy was strapped onto the machine and received the full force of punch, but if he was not strapped on to it some of the force would have been alleviated.
R3 heals everyone and give infinite limit breaks? WTF? Why would anyone even think of putting such a game-breaking cheat like that in the game?
Why are they showing this now? This game won’t be out for years. It’s FF Versus 13 all over again.
I am honestly surprised it took them thislong to make them cute animu gurls. Everything in Japan is cute animu gurls now...
I wonder what kinda of NASA computer you gotta have to run this at a playable frame rate
Yeah, but none of that would allow him to punch metal suits and not get one or two bones broken, so I kinda had to guess how he was doing it, besides the obvious “it’s fiction”.
I don’t know much about Cap’s powers besides being super handsome, but I can guess his bones are denser and more resistant like Luke Cage’s, and that coupled with his super strength give him what’s necessary to punch Iron Man’s suit. Not unlike he was punching Ultron in the last movie. Am I correct?
If only the story in this series remained consistent like the art does...
I wish I was as handsome as these pics are awesome
I am not offended on a personal level, I just find it really weird to have murder scene used a joke. Also, the “it was X long ago” argument is pointless. It doesn’t matter how much time passes violence is violence, Death is death, tragedy is tragedy.
That first one is the Kennedy assassination? I mean, for real? That’s really macabre.
With all honesty, I was thoroughly disappointed by the Fallout 4 episode. It’s like the segment lost some of the focus after each episode. The fallout 4 segment was incredibly annoying because they only one had that one ass joke the whole time. There was barely any parts with Conan actually trying to play or…
First of all, I am really satisfied to see the design being so different from what you would expect from a female character for LoL, or any other game in general.
I feel like I know the reference, but I don’t get it.
Of course they care dude. That’s where all the new games are going to be from now on. That’s where everyone will go moving forward. The last-gen consoles are walking steadily to their graves and they only made the last-gen version because there are millions of ppl around the world who still haven’t bought a current…
Some ppl just don’t have the money. Some ppl just don’t live in a country where the prices are accessible yet.
It was really windy in that house
Yeah, I was just thinking that. It really looks like they downgraded it more than necessary on purpose to give more incentive for ppl to buy current gen consoles, which is understandable, but really cheap of them. I mean, they cut the single-player campaign already.