
I think the threesome ending is total conservative bullshit. I mean, what if Geralt’s feelings for them is genuine? What if he can’t stop himself from being madly in love with both Yen and Triss? And in his case it is even more understandable than it would be to any other person.

I am not really talking about an wii u version specifically. I am talking about a version that is on any other console that doesn’t push it back from being turned into something bigger and better. Would that platform be the wii u? Maybe, or maybe something else.

They took zero risks with the wii u version. It was just a remaster of the wii version, they were just testing the waters without taking any actual risks.

lol, the arrogance. You think you understand what I said better than myself. If you’re going to be this pretentious there is no point to make here with you.

Lol! I didn’t say any of that shit you’re implying I did.

So what you’re saying is, it is okay for them not to try to make a better game because of risks? Sorry, but no. No risks, no improvements. They’re a multi million dollar company, do you think they got here without risking something on the way? Without investing a “few hundred million dollars in a casino”?

Because making for the 3DS is much cheaper than any other console, and it is going to sell a lot. See how they’re pretty much just reusing assets with just a few tweaks to look different? Not that they could do much with the 3DS hardware anyway.

The whole time I couldn’t just stop thinking “There is porn of this already isn’t there?”...

If this game was made by any other company it would be getting a lot of flak because of the lack of key online features, small number of stages and lackluster single player campaign.

Honestly, the game barely has any plot and the little it has is a jumbled up mess, so I really hope they get creative on story. Too bad they didn’t change the stupid character designs.

Is no one making the connection? Around the same time Nintendo hires a guy named Bowser, a case of fire involving a wii like nothing ever heard of burns some dude’s stuff down, and now this.

Did he just risk his life, or at very least his health, for a cosplay? That is the kind of boldness I am not sure if I should condemn or praise, maybe a bit of both.

I don’t... but still, it would benefit everyone if they made one

It’s a Lion Turtle!

I was going to complain that only the girls get the swimsuit treatment, but then they released this... and now I am okay with everything.

Yeah they would have to redo that, but they were already willing to do it. The first game was going to have a console version with revamped combat and stuff, but they had problems with the studio making the port and cancelled it. Honestly I hope they announce something, there has never been a better moment to bring

I really wish they would port the first witcher game to consoles... hmm maybe a remaster for PS4 and xbox one, I mean, the witcher games are part of few games that actually deserve to be remastered.

Man, off-topic, but you’re like a magical contradiction. You look like a blacksmith from the middle ages, but your voice is soothing and friendly, and if I am not mistaken, you watch MLP, which is somewhat scary, but not exactly the way one would expect by looking at you.

The n64 ones were creepy, the one on the wii U on the other hand, hehehehe

Sounds like an idea a publisher would pick up. I wonder if they pitched this to anyone before going to Kickstarter.