Is that their team move, like others that have the chopping motion?
Is that their team move, like others that have the chopping motion?
$3.99 for unlimited switches
Oh man. That’s so dark, I applaud you sir.
If he didn’t want to be tackled by her, he shouldn’t have been dressed like that
I’m guessing “Also, no ‘you can only be a good woman if you breed’ commercials.”?
Also, no you can only be a good woman if you breed commercials.
I call mine lungs!
Obviously you’ve never heard a former baseball player talk.
As a Jet fan, I’m glad they are crushing my spirits now, so I can focus on other sports more closely.
Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base
Wide deceiver???
Sounds like my ex wife!!!
Haha like the sex fluid!
So basically pull every lineman, linebacker and running back after every play?
Do you think any other officals have down-time to do that type of stuff? No, of course they don’t.
I like how the guy pulls a gun and head shots someone and those other dumb motherfuckers are trying to tackle him instead of getting the fuck off the field.
I feel you. BUT what I also dislike MORE, as I get older and older, is the way my body reacts to drinks 3 and 4 the next day, as if I have chugged a bottle of rat poison.
I’m not super clear on Canadian football rules. Does he have to say sorry to the opposing team now?
I’ll assume the misspelling was an autocorrect, which means someone is pretty fuckin’ stoked for the latest Matt Damon movie.