Marty Mankins

Most excellent comment. Once we can get past the reactionary stage of "airport security" then more of us will feel like something smarter is being done to protect us.

What's next someone asked? How about a LEGO BTTF video game? Now that would be cool.

I've been free since day 1 and I really do like it. Even with thousands of songs I have bought and have local access to on my Mac, I am really seriously considering moving to the $10 a month so my new Sprint iPhone 4S can have access to the music. Guess we'll see how limiting the 10 hour a month will be and how

While I have nothing with GoDaddy, I am wondering about any lists of ISPs and domain registrars and their position on SOPA? I know MyDomain (who I use) is against SOPA. Wondering what 1&1's position is on SOPA.

A great addition, until your WinSxS folder fills up that USB flash drive. Unless, of course, they are going to find a better way to manage that folder in Win8.

The only system on this list that SHOULDN'T be on this list was the Mac Cube G4. having had a Cube, sure the were some issues, but it really was a good system for it's time.

Oh sure, NOW he tells us. ;-)

Got my 1gb. Admitting to following one of the linked walkthroughs for most of the steps. But it was still fun.

Over 2 years ago, I bought an HP 2133 netbook for the sole purpose of writing. I stripped down a version of XP and had minimal software installed (Word, Excel, Outlook). The startup time was 4 minutes. Starting Word once it was booted was another 2 minutes. Using the suspend/sleep function, the battery would drain

Agree with the others on ripping rentals. Not the intent of other tools like Requiem. The whole purpose here should be about items you purchased and allowing them to be played on devices that are tied to your iTunes account (ie. PS3, non-Apple media players).

As a fan of electric cars (got my LEAF reserved) I looked for the Ford Focus Electric here at CES but couldn't find it. Must have been a press only event. Would love to see it.

Saw this and played a round of Asteroids. Very cool. It's Bluetooth so hope to see Android and other platforms supported. Fun times in the 80's in 2011.

Can't wait to try this when I get my LEAF in August.

What? No love for Jingleheimer Junction?

As someone who has test driven a LEAF and who is on the list of those that reserved one of the first 20,000, I can't wait to get mine in 2011.

@Shamoononon: Doh! Simple enough. Thank you for your help.

Where is the option for me to reset my password via email? I am trying to change mine, but it keeps telling me that the password save failed.

Address Book and iCal syncing between multiple Macs, iPhones and iPads is nice. I've never had any major issues (some iCal duplicate entries) and it's saved me a ton of time trying to keep it all in sync.

@jeffmanster888: Sync tasks. Google doesn't have an API for syncing tasks with anything outside of Google.