Wait, a tiny displacement transverse I6? Sorry, I just don't get it.
You know how normal glass breakes. Toughened glass stays in one piece, or if things get more serious, does its best not to cut you.
Here's the thing, Vanagons can't really be lumped into the same category as minivans. They were/are an odd size somewhere between a mini van and a full sized van.
Ford's Explorer gets a ton of credit for popularizing SUVs thought they'd been out for decades prior.
Anyone arguing with you is missing the point.
That's funny. I hope my message didn't come across as snippy. Of course the owner has a sense of humor, so the Mercedes-Bonz name is fun. I appreciate the eclectic presentation.
Owning a more modern car takes a higher level of knowledge and understanding of complex systems that just aren't a factor on older cars. However, most systems aren't as complicated or as enigmatic as people make them out to be. While certain components can be pricey, modern car repair does simplify trouble shooting…
Umm. That's a Volvo 240. Though with the bones masking the boxy shape, I can see the closer similarity to a 123 MB.
Is it only available in LHD? If so, that's cool.
What no Charlotte Motor Speedway? Wha? Huh?
Having owned many Mercedes of many classes and generations of varying age from new to vintage, these cars aren't more expensive to maintain or own. However, if you're buying used, there is no such thing as a cheap Mercedes. I do put a high value in knowing the ownership history of Mercedes, more so than other marques.
Ha, you know I never put two and two together. I always wondered why the color was Metallic P, I never thought that about it being Metallic Pea. Thanks for solving a lifetime mental mystery.
G-Class is excluded from this. The G in nearly all of its variants is a tank for civilized roads. Overbuilt and solid from top to bottom. I'm not under the belief that "at 100k miles these are just broken-in", but I will say that there is plenty of relatively trouble free life ahead of it. Also, while it may go out of…
Just a minor correction, it is the Wagon Queen Family Truckster.
Valid point. I suppose that my comment could have gone a dozen different ways. I love Honda but perhaps they could Raptorize a Civic like Ford did with the F-150. :)
Interesting to know that patent trolling isn't a new phenomenon.
Perhaps it is time for Honda to take a play out of the old Ford handbook. Perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea for Honda to offer the Si mill in the understated basic trim as Ford did with the 5.0 LX Mustangs.
What is the GM purchase to which you're referring?