
Beautiful Girls was a mess of a movie, but I still listen to the soundtrack.

I had the Godzilla soundtrack. I remember enjoying it. The movie was a 2 hour Pepsi commercial, but it had decent music.

Very true.
But you could also say the same about Purple Rain (sorry, it's a shitty movie) and Graffiti Bridge.

Why?? This brings nothing to the table.

Well, good luck with all of THAT.

Yeah, no one ever gets that reference. But I use it anyway.

Helloooo, nurse!

The B-52's "Love Shack". I was in 7th grade, and I'd never heard anything like it. I needed to know more. It's much easier these days, with the internet and all. ;) Goodness, what did we ever do back then? My obsession with the B's lasted my teen years (and beyond) and I can say with confidence that they changed my

Seriously. Exactly how can she reconcile with Pete. This idea was "Not great, Bob!"

Consider the source, I guess.

Dale Cooper is always the right answer. Can't believe I didn't think of it…

Barney Miller.

Bowing down. Those would have likely been my selections as well.
I did eventually join CH, but much later.

Oh, my bestie got that tape (and so many other 80s gems) from Columbia House. We listened to it all the time. Good times….

My older siblings got it for me on my 9th birthday. My siblings are awesome. :)

She's So Unusual on vinyl.

I'm just so glad to see more Robert Altman geeks on here. I love this movie.

Haven't seen it, but Jeremy Davies was excellent in The Locusts. At least I think he was, it's been a while since I've seen it. (SPOILER: he played the product of incest with intellectual & emotional disabilities.)


Love Jonathan Richman!