
Purple Rose of Cairo. So effing brilliant.

Waiting for God is amazing.

I like you.

The fact that you use the term "10 to 1 sketch on SNL" is a dealmaker right there. They always suck, but I can appreciate the "genre" as it were.

Did you hear Terry Gross interview the guy from Polaris (the Pete & Pete theme song band) on Fresh Air a couple months ago?? Look it up!

We could get Canadian TV stations in the area where I grew up, so that's like, extra geek level. I could probably watch an edited-for-US TV episode today and tell you what they cut. And they did edit! :)

Get a Life was brilliant. To add an extra level of geek to this reference, you need to find Handsome Boy Modeling School's song, "Look at this Face (Oh My God, They're Gorgeous!)"

Well, if you understand my handle, then you're pretty awesome. :)
But aside from that, and aside from other things mentioned above (Wesley Willis, Team Betty)…. Degrassi. Old school Degrassi. Nothing better. But my holy grail of pop culture references is Crispin Glover doing karate kicks at David Letterman.

I always read her as a wannabe. A freelancer who will never be hired. And a total fruitcake. But the movie is full of them, and kudos to Geraldine Chaplin for not trying to out-fruitcake the other actors. She kept it subtle. Class act, she is.

Do you ever watch "Mad Men"? I loved the scenes with the GM guys because they really captured Michigan on a level that most people wouldn't notice. One of the execs was DEFINITELY a Yooper.

OK OK. His acting has definitely improved over time, I'll give you all that. :) He was good in "Short Cuts". But well, to each his/ her won. :)
And actually, i have been a big fan of Lyle Lovett's music, since before "The Player", so I was familiar with him. :) Although your description made me laugh!

YES. One thing that made Altman so remarkable was his long, varied career. He was NOT a one-note storyteller. You just named some of his best films ("The Long Goodbye"? CLASSIC movie that nobody I know has ever heard of, let alone seen.)
My one quibble with Altman's casting is Lyle Lovett in "The Player" and "Cookie's

And Cuckoo's Nest won. *sigh* At least Altman got the honorary Oscar before he died. He was criminally overlooked.

Thanks for the tidbit! I'm going to have to look for that. :)

Henry Gibson's songs are pure genius.

I know, right?

Can he stay there?

BINGO! Josh Hartnett will forever be Magic Man, and I will always hate him.

Plus the original soundtrack by AIR is so very awesome.