It's the lack of good, functional destruction that kills the feel for me. It can look as pretty as it does, but it's missing the fun in really breaking buildings.
It's the lack of good, functional destruction that kills the feel for me. It can look as pretty as it does, but it's missing the fun in really breaking buildings.
You got it. That's precisely how I felt.
The lack of significant destruction and the creepy soundtrack turned me off the video. Eugh.
I saw this game explained earlier in another video, and it was totally touching on a discussion I'd been having with a friend where I was explaining that indie games further game mechanics with experimentation, because they don't have a lot of money on the line.
I'll abstain from voting on everything but Hardware, RPG, strategy, and downloadable categories. Everything else is just so bad.
The etymology is even more apparent in the noun and verb root form. To "niggle", or to have a "niggling" feeling, doesn't sound nearly as much like the slur as to say "niggard". Again, "niggard' is not racial, even if using it might make some people confused or uncomfortable.
It originates and roots from the old Norse word "nigla", which means "to fuss about small matters".
I'm confused, are you under the impression that "niggardly" is at all related to the racial slur? 'Cuz it's not. Completely separate etymological origins.
You too? Normally the summers are mild in NB, but the humidity's been boiling and baking Miramichi so frequently.
I think using "objects" and "words" as being naturally imprecise generalizations of certain loosely connected properties. As such, there is no absolute answer to how I connect a property to an object, or vice-versa. Words, concepts of objects, they only exist to help us understand what is beyond our fullest…
Someone say something interesting! I need an excuse to think.
A massive part of my heart and soul is bound to gaming. As I visualize my passion for gaming, it feels embedded in my very limbs, my lungs, my gut, laced into my spine and burned into my retinas. My heart beats as much for gaming as it does for my family, my hopes and dreams, and my desire for utopia.
Mhm, but we need to prove to Capcom that there's money to be made in continuing the story. I WANT TO SEE THE CELESTIAL PLAIN, dammit.
If you can consider a re-release an exclusive, silly.
It echoes of Okami, but Okamiden ultimately differentiates itself enough from the original to be worth playing. It's an original story, with original gameplay, and you wouldn't feel disappointed in picking it up.
You play an incarnation of the Shinto deity Amaterasu, ridding the lands of evil, and uncovering the story behind your previous incarnation's travels and eventual demise. But the game is a whole lot more than just that. Excellent story and characters abound, beautiful in any and every sense of the word, it's something…
Twenty dollars is too much for you. Do you have any idea what you're buying?
The textures themselves won't be updated, just the resolution the game displays in. Cell-shading works wonders on a game's visuals, but they don't help how big a screen you can display the game on.
His avatar shows it. Until he gives a real reason for me to get up in arms against Capcom, I'm just gonna pretend he's just a grumpy old man. Re-energized!