Had ye not mentioned your voice, I'dda figured it to be a regional accent. It's not seriously bad or unintelligible, it's just as you say, unique.
Had ye not mentioned your voice, I'dda figured it to be a regional accent. It's not seriously bad or unintelligible, it's just as you say, unique.
You're right. I think the only perishables my place takes is bread and cheese.
Yeah, I'm probably gonna hand the rice off to the food bank. I've already got several years worth, so holding onto this'd be greedy. The meat's mine though.
Neighbours moved out today, and they gave me all their food. So generous. I am now in possession of a couple dozens pounds of meat, many litres of soda products, and more rice than you could shake a stick at.
It's what I say to everyone who complains, but there are some folks who care too much what others do with their money.
I suppose that's the reason movie directors like putting out director's cuts of their films. Ofttimes, what appeals to the director is not what appeals to the audience, and so there are multiple versions released after the theatre run.
Commercials can win me over with weirdness though. Just as camp cinema might not appeal to everyone, so too does this style of commercial.
Now THAT is an advertisement.
Oh my God. I want to see the deleted scenes for that.
That's wonderful. I'm happy you see how bloatedly overpriced these things are. I agree with that assertion 100%, absolutely, with complete confidence.
I didn't even know it was out. Thanks!
I used to have problems with their advertisements crashing Chrome, but that hasn't happened in a while. Whenever it does happen, it's always Kotaku.
How do you hold your controllers? Either my paws are big or you guys aren't wrapping your hands around the grips. It's probably not size since I can use the smaller Dualshock controller without any severe cramping issues.
Besides the asymmetry and the D-pad, the battery pack was a large no-no for me.
For truth? Wow, that's actually humorously extreme.
You missed the edit that I made over ten minutes ago.
Hey, I did it from January to May of this year. Just using my own economics as reference.
I know, but I'm on a not-sleeping binge. Too many work hours, too much internet stuff, and not enough self control. I'll sleep when I die.