Martin Slag

Popovich/Popovich 2020

Doesn’t matter. The whole thing stinks.

Ben Carson went to Yale and he thinks the pyramids were built for grain storage.

Is Penn State even a good school?

This thread is extremely good

I have a friend who is a volunteer position coach for the local high school. He has done it for years because he just loves coaching. Anyway, over a couple beers one night, we were talking about some of the “coachy” things coaches say. His response? “Most of these guys aren’t very smart.” I am pretty sure that

Well, we know that his takes will be wide-left.

I look forward to reading his upcoming Deadspin articles.

Maverick’s just upset because they got his Goose.

Look at that shit, though! Six faces on the poster, five black, one white. Three actor names on the poster, one black, two white.

The hijabs cancel out. I learned that in my Muslim Math 101 class at Trump University.

Dude has spent most of those two years on an operating table or walking around in a cast or boot. It’s up to you but you should consider cutting the kid some slack.

Look out 10.25 wins coming at you Philly faithful. Believe in The Process.

If only there was some magical way for you not to read the articles you aren’t interested in.


The other problem is a triangle has three points and the Knicks currently have one of those points.

In all fairness, life is a mystery.

“You have dealt with an unbelievable slanted and negative media and have come out beautifully” sounds 0% like something Bill Belichick would say, and 100% like something Donald Trump would say while reading a blank page he is pretending is a letter from Bill Belichick.

This is usually how men look when they spend time away from the wives.