They are properly referred to as “little people.” Starbucks partners, I mean.
They are properly referred to as “little people.” Starbucks partners, I mean.
Fuck you (speaking as a tall midget)
Wow, so progressive of you to degrade an entire group of people with your midget comment while whining about a billionaire CEO being “patronizing”.
I disagreed with some points in this article and seeing you use a derogatory term for little people ensured I’ll avoid your opinions in the future.
This is a sincere question: is your personality as a writer a character, do you happily ignore reality, or are you really as huge of a hypocrite as you seem to be, or is it some combination of those?
He’s wearing shoulder pads to watch a football game.
So you only work in absolutes. Relativism has no place in the work force? Got it.
are you just bored or something?
This is a really touching and beautiful family image. I’m sure you know this already, but that rain delay that helped the Cubs out was actually just your grandfather jacking off from heaven; all over all of us.
If you can’t jack off with your ghost dad to a soundtrack of the Cubbies winning the goddamned World Series, I don’t think this is even America anymore.
My grandfather died without ever having seen the cubs win the world series. So, my Dad, ever the crazy asshole he is, brought a radio out on the porch so gramps could listen in from heaven. We all thought he was going out there to jack off, but nope he was going out there to be with his Dad, which I thought was sweet.…
If you consolidate your debt and you have a financial hardship you will now default on one big loan, rather than having the flexibility to pay off the most important (like car loan) first. A quick trip to losing everything, including your ability to get to work.
Some perspective on how historic this is:
In the span of a week we could see the Cubs win the series and Donald Trump win the presidency. 1996 me is so confused
LOL. If he wanted to hurt Clinton he would have done it months ago. Instead he went out of his way to help her. Fuck, you guys are fucking crazy.
(I walk on stage at a press conference after another long day at the office)
Good enough.
For a reporter who writes almost exclusively about economics, you don’t make much effort to actually understand various economic institutions, huh?
In ‘08, Moyer (45) opposed Matt Garza (24). There probably is a bigger gap but shit, 21 years. That’s a legal beer drinker right there.
There are so many myths and strangely specific rules about when to eat to lose weight, but alone they do nothing to…