
No, you should be out there, taking a greater share of social approval, a bigger paycheck, and seeing yourselves reflected in the vast majority of the media, and you should consider not whining when people occasionally don’t use the word choice you prefer. Jesus.

What’s hilarious is fat women are literally shamed, sometimes into being afraid to go out in public, and she’s basically co-opting their actual problems.

Oh, that’s nice. “Visibly overweight?” Simply adorable. She looks like an average-sized American woman to me. Look at the actual people around you and less at what you’re fed through the media and you’ll see.

Fat shaming and skinny “shaming” are not on the same planet. Not even in the same galaxy.

Lawlz. We’re talking about average to plus-size body types and people are bringing up skinny/thin body types. This isn’t the time for skinny/thin people to pop up and say “What about me?”

This x10,000

it must be sooo hard to be the standard of beauty in our culture.

“All sizes matter" wahhhhh. Wahhhh. Ugh



Seriously! I don’t blame the kids for missing their mom, but her having a job is not gonna permanently damage them. Her not doing anything but sit and stare at them while she slowly went bankrupt probably would, though. It’s good for kids to learn that they aren’t the entire world.

THIS, and also, her job requires her to put on a sexy persona and tiny outfits. As the mother of a 9 year old boy, I know how much he hates even walking into my room and seeing me in my underwear right now. I think its a mix of “dang, mommy has to go to work now” and “omg mom please stop its embarrassing”. If THIS is

I think you’re not getting what I mean... My kid doesn’t even KNOW to say “don’t go be Lannister Handjob*” he is like “don’t go help people in their garden stay and play all day forever!” because three year olds don’t have a great grasp on time or what I do. But people call their mama BRITNEY SPEARS all day, every

Yeah, it’s kinda sad but kids almost always want more Mom time. Unfortunately, mom has a job. That happens every day to millions of kids and most of them turn out okay. It’s not exactly “sad memoir" material. this really that weird/depressing to the parents out there?

I mean, to be fair, when I was little I didn't love it when my parents had to go to work either

The whole point is actions have little to do with it. Tomorrow Thiel could wake up, decide he hates Brits, and destroy The Guardian. Or he could see a bad movie review of something he likes, and destroy the NY Times.

Nop. You’re wrong. It’s a really important issue and if you can’t see it, too bad. Billionaires funding wars on media via proxy lawsuits is a crime against society buddy. Hate gawker all you want, the principle is a vital one.