
I don’t throw in with a candidate that’s endorsed by the KKK. David Duke praising his victory along with countless other bigots should make you ill.

Young and naive.

Oh yes, voting for the narcissist, the racist, the bigot, the xenophobe, the multi-time unfaithful husband, the failed businessman (repeatedly), the sexual assaulter is taking the election seriously.

The decision to vote either Trump or Clinton is not a simple difference of opinion. The man is openly hostile towards women, immigrants, people of color, and, to a lesser extent, LGBT folks (although Pence more than makes up for it on that front). And this doesn’t even take into account how erratic and capricious he

They say wisdom comes with age, but I guess that’s just a myth.

So the guy perpetrates the violence and then blames the woman for not preventing it? (Checks all of human history.) YUP! CHECKS OUT!

Okay, we get it. You’re another white person who doesn’t understand or care about cultural appropriation (probably because you don’t have a culture). Instead of accepting that POC have different and frankly, more of a right to an opinion on this issue than you, you have to troll and tell everyone what they feel is

Here’s my problem with this, a problem which I have with all rich white lady feminists. She thinks the song is for all women to get in formation, and the reason people are upset is because of its reference to black lives matter. It does not occur to her that some culture isn’t made for her, and that the time of

The only idiot here is you. you claimed that some prominent black people were okay with it so it must not be racist as fuck.

Yes, let’s make fun of the silly negro with the negro name.

Unless these good cops are speaking out against the “bad apples” they are assholes.

Cops in NYC make bank. And have amazing retirement and health benefits. Most police officers make considerably more than the national average. Many police forces won’t hire officers over a certain IQ level because they fear that more intelligent officers will get bored.

As an Asian person, I’ve seen that same ugly strain of anti-blackness among my fellow Asians. It disgusts me and I’ve done my best to call it out when I see it.

As a Black woman, it always weirds me out when people say things like this, as I experience, see, read, and hear about people being openly racist to people who look like me every day, and know firsthand how strong anti-Black racism is in many Asian communities. This idea that other POC and some white people have that

Can you actually imagine Jezebel publishing an article entitled “Could X’s Sexual Assault Accusation Have Been Staged?”

consider the asses you are referencing, rusholmeruffian.

The people who wrote those articles have already written about their motivations for doing so and you can debate with them about whether or not you find their reasoning sound or not, I personally believe they are. Gawker isn’t a monolith. Many writers and editors have passed through it’s doors and consequently the

I mean, I think their perspective is that the stories are not actually liabilities because the lawsuits aren’t just losers, they’re patently frivolous and were brought only to devalue (in the $ sense) Gawker and to cost the company money it doesn’t have in legal fees. I think they’re right to demand their editorial

find something else to do with your time