The tabloids will have much, much less access to them since H&M won’t be part of the royal rota and won’t be in the UK half the time. It also cuts down on the random “sources say” crap.
The tabloids will have much, much less access to them since H&M won’t be part of the royal rota and won’t be in the UK half the time. It also cuts down on the random “sources say” crap.
1) Evans
I very much hope this pic was a product of a timer. Much better than imaging something like “Susan! Susan come here right now. I need you to get a shot of me sunning my butthole. Dammit, Susan, hurry up we’re losing the light! Why do I even pay you?”
This is exactly what I was thinking of when I saw this. They want to expand beyond the US and it didn’t go well for them.
I hope the stress of the impeachment trial causes him to start screaming obscenities and incomprehensible almost-but-not-quite words at the nearest camera until his handlers drag him off to his safe space.
Also important: Felicity Huffman’s apology actually apologized to the people she hurt, and she admitted guilt in it. No “sorry if I caused hurt” or trying to explain her rationale. She said she knew what she did was wrong and caused hurt.
I predict that she and her husband use a very small percentage of their money (a massive amount to us peasants) to keep stonewalling and wind up doing no prison time at all. Not even the measly 11 days that Huffman did. It also wouldn’t surprise me very much if her career rebounds. Her target (pardon the pun) demo is…
I don’t. For a narcissist, losing is a fate worse than death.
There are only two ways he’ll leave the Oval Office: in handcuffs or on a gurney.
I will believe in both santa and jesus if that happens.
Here’s to all of it. Go out like Elvis.
Nice thought but he’s never going to resign. The second he becomes regular-ass citizen Trump again, he’s going to jail and he knows it.
Hillary had pneumonia. She had undiagnosed pneumonia for months and went to work every day. She fought through it until it got the best of her. BUT, the so-called librul media still slimed her and covered it like it was the end of the world.
Please let him die on Christmas Day.
This is the beginning of the huge smokescreen under which he will resign for “health reasons”. And by “resign” I mean “chicken out so as not to be impeached”.
For real I want MSNBC & CNN to spend as much time talking about this shit as they did Hillary having the flu. I mean noted douche bag Chris Clizzia was constantly harping on about what a big story that was. This man lives off of fried foods, gets no exercise and wouldn’t know what a vegetable looked like if you told…
Excellent. I love that she was celebrated (which she deserves) and when Kavanaugh made his first public speech, the amazing people at We Demand Justice looped her testimony on a giant screen outside where everyone attending had to see it, had women dressed as handmaiden’s where people had to walk past them to enter,…
I know that when I'm looking for a convenient place to stay in NYC and price is no object, something resembling the atmosphere of a train station is at the top of my list.