Diabolik Returns

Excellant post, Archmage, I was always surprised how when I was in the East certain items I.e. the electronics, were the same as in the West and others, such as tailoring, was so much cheaper. Beautifully explained. And I'm sorry I read one line as 'Then you can spend $180 on a new Anus, or whatever'.

Oh, O'Neal as Bill The Cat is just brilliant!

See Emily Purr

Sampson? The off-model, non-Union, knock-off strongman?

Jai Courtney's in it? Pass. Cannot tolerate him in anything, truly one of the very worst actors currently, and inexplicably, working.

Robert Redford was faced with the same dilemma while making The Horse Whisperer.

Actually Blur were part of Britpop, not grunge…..

Show me the honey!

Bee-Bee-C…. BOO, that man….

What's the problem? He works for Fox Nudes.

And that, class, is how you write a headline….

That has to be the chorus of a Toby Keith song.

Is that the one that comes with same-day shipping?

… My hot, dead hands, which have just landed two counties over….

'…submerged' I don't think he fisted her, because that's really going to screw up his defence.

He's also trying the 'I grab large quantities of buttock' defence.

Yes, but the one in three million times when that pin and brush thing actually landed in the metal rails and it raced off again was fantastic! Yep, stupid idea…..

And he brought all of his major interests, musical theatre, Sondheim and drugs, together in that stellar production of Into James Woods

Andy Dick.

That was the first time I met Fifi LaNorx….