'I've come back to see my clowns'.
'It's half past three in the morning in the middle of a raging thunderstorm and you're naked!'.
'I've come back to see my clowns'.
'It's half past three in the morning in the middle of a raging thunderstorm and you're naked!'.
Sorry to get a laugh out of your friend's passing but that is just hilarious.
Bozo's Ho' Zone.
So, a clown-themed knocking shop. Love to see the business plan on that.
spoilers! (Actually haven't seen the wonderfully demented Pieces in years and have just picked it up on disc. Looking forward to reacquainting myself with all its Spanish insanity….)
Are they affiliated with the Ku Klux Klowns?
It wasn't so much the confetti as from where you pulled that string of sausages…
There was also a comedy Son Of Hitler made in the late 70's, with a cast including Bud Cort, Peter Cushing and Anton Diffring, which was, possibly understandably, barely released.
Not Gein In 60 Seconds?
AA stands for Acutely Anal.
You're talking Emily Mortimer?
Poxy 1%er! When I was that age I'd already been eaten by my own family as part of a bizarre cabalstic ceremony. Kids today don't know they're born, barely got teeth marks in 'em.
Herge's Tintin And The Case Of The Missing Ballbag
You really didn't need to add that second sentence.
That's one hell of a buttonhole too.
Oh thanks, Will. Will give that a listen.
Is this the role Sharon Stone was reputedly in the running for?
You have to ask? Frank Stallone. Although he has a good chance of being the next Batman.
It was but two years ago that my friend at WB, hearing all the projects he was being involved with, including the disaster that was Live By Night, said, with the taste of sick in his mouth, 'We're not in the movie business anymore, we're apparently in the Affleck business'.