Diabolik Returns

I have three differently configured laptops, a tablet and a phone and the only one I can get the comments on is the phone. Let's see what the March traffic stats are like.

Spy Car was originally to have been voiced by Timothy Dalton, but then he obviously read the script.

Was the 'No tattoos' a Yakuza thing?

I blame him for putting a return address on it.

Sparks also appear on screen in the 70's debacle Rollercoaster, many many moons ago.

Through work requirements I have three differently configured laptops and a tablet, yet the only place I can view comments and reply is my phone. Utter fucking joke. Let's see how much the traffic drops after a few weeks. I used to comment a lot but now it's just too damn difficult.

Oh excellent. Thanks for that. I love curry and can be a messy eater so this is very handy.

Power Rangers - A++++++ [the still employed] AA Dowd.

So somewhere in the middle of this lot are the episodes with Angie Diaz? Challenge accepted!

Yep, turmeric on a shirt, bin it, as I have found to my cost. Not even Bio-Tex will dislodge that stuff.

You can also see it free of Christian Bale, Benicio Del Toro and Haley Bennett, who have all been cut from the final version. Bale apparently shot for four weeks. Bet he's delighted.

Between the toilet step and the mesh undies it looks like dryer balls is today's theme.

Housekeeper Charged With Abuse Of Wife In Her Care. … don't make sense…

I knew someone who could line them up perfectly horizontally, don't know how else to describe it, and then edge them a few degrees further back. Weirdly stomach-churning, but nothing on this bod.

The Inside No.9 Xmas episode. Superb.

There was an attempt in the late 90s with Nick Nolte and John Cusack but financing fell through before shooting. Can't for the life of me remember who the director was going to be.

Michael Haneke

The only film directed by Larry Hagman.

For purchase, I suppose.

And putting his arm up various ruminent's rear ends.