Diabolik Returns

Thanks again, I'll probably give it a reread now, like you it's been years.

Brilliant, couldn't remember what that was from.

If only they would collaborate on a project.

I once had the Shining On album, complete with 3D glasses. Looking it up now, it's worth about £2 less than I paid for it.

And me, like having two O'Neals in the comment section.

………… go on………..

I must be a real oik (keep your comments to yourself please) but I hate the taste of truffles. I've had them shaved over pasta in an amazing restaurant in Milan and grated into an otherwise wonderful salad in Paris and I've had to battle it down. To me it just has a lingering sour taste of burnt earth.

Dawn, that cinema sounds great. …

I began working in the film industry since 1976, and have worked for a number of theatrical distributors and co-founded a successful video label as well as being a journalist and film and video magazine editor. I've covered film festivals around the world such as Cannes, Mifed, Berlin and the AFM for the last three

Thanks for that, I know what I'm having a go at next weekend.

Wow, two self righteous comments. Looks like I got up your without even trying.

Richard Hammond? The brain damage case from Top Gear?

And this is all you have to do with your time?

Well, there are quire a few inaccuracies in your arguments, beginning with 'Black entertainer'.

Most obvious fake nose since Tycho Brahe. (You don't get comments like this on fucking Buzzfeed. …)

Which fake nose? He had a few.

And then there's the bill for all the salt you'd need to sow the land with.

There's a museum of torture in Prague. Yes, of course I went round it. We do not deserve to survive as a species.

As Robin Williams said - "There's a sign in the funfair in Neverland - You Have To Be This Tall To Ride Michael'

Yes, because that completely makes sense on all rational levels.