Diabolik Returns

Not soapbars either…

Her Love Boils Bathwater didn't win Best Title? FIX!

So much for The Masterson Inheritance.

'The capital of Finland is Helsinki'. These things are incredible!

I mean, I'm as interested in stats as the next guy but…….

Wasn't that the battle cry over Rogue One? That the men's rights pissgarglers claimed their 'boycott' had really damaged the $1.1bn grosser? Well obviously. Fatally holed it beneath the waterline if you ask me.

Hypocrites! Showing blue movies!

Actually it's because they want a PG and not a PG-13.

Ànd naked!!!

We are behind you. So touch yer toes and brace yourself, torpedoes AWAY!

Chili Boots? Sounds Mexican to me…..

Depends where you start from.

Ask if he wants to swap?


And a better complexion.

Or Stedman. (Again with the spelling. )

Lucky you.

Saw it again last year for the first time since release. Really hasn't aged well at all.

That's tomorrow afternoon sorted then…

'Darling, somebody's written 'Fuck you' in white shoe polish on the car. ….'