Diabolik Returns

Such a square head though.

Fentimans is glorious stuff. There's a shop in Covent Garden which does exclusively American sweets, sodas, candies, biscuits etc, with the requisite scary price tags, but when you walk in the assault on your nose is extraordinary, like walking into a Lush run by Willy Wonka.

The Little Mercrone

But will they work for scale?

Cruel but fair.

38-26-$3.75 a pound!

Loved the review which called their album '30-Odd minutes of pain'.

So it was YOU who ruined the Singalong screening!

No Angie Diaz, no dice.

I get round it by calling Zach G 'that guy who inexplicably still keeps being employed'.

… epic vomiting, vandalism, drunken driving, flashing the conkers at the neighbours, murder…..

The sequel, The Return Of Swamp Thing, made in '89 is pretty terrible, trying to be a monster movie and also wink at the audience at the same time, but did have a pretty good ad-line - 'He's Got A Grudge, Cos' They Turned Him Into Sludge!'

And Otm Shank?

Wow! Nicely done Mike, saw what you did there, 'in third printing….'

…Instead of fungus-filled death barrels.

My father lied about his age as well, but the Recruiting Sergeant said 'Don't give me that, you're older than fucking twelve…..'

His new one, Headshot, is opening in a couple of months,

If you are in bed with your partner, watching Nixon drone on through headphones, you have made a wrong life choice somewhere.

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