Diabolik Returns

He did a very long interview on Radio One with Mark Radcliffe and Marc Riley several years ago, and what surprised me was that he was so damn funny. Even better the next day Radcliffe revealed Bowie had walked off with his Viz Annual.

Saw this on the BBC a couple of weeks ago. Really excellent,

Sorry, A is for 'orses.

How perfect that this has someone called Benjamin Arce in the cast.

Why does 'Spudettes' make me giggle like a child?

They cover all the angles!

Exactly. 'We're renewed? ! Oh…… great….. I guess….'

He used to look much less. ….. deviant Uncle-like.

Ever see Tintorera? Holy moley. …

We're really scalene the heights here.

Don't go too near, don't go too near. …

Will there be Pogs?

So did I, but they started leaving them out of the assortment bags, just left the red, green, orange and purple ones.

You talking about your tackle again?

Thanks for that. Will give it a go this weekend!

Still a bit clogged up after that tuna noodle casserole dinner? Try these……

Exactly. Krapp's Last Tape - The Movie? Although it's been done a few times for TV arts channels, and I saw one on the BBC with John Hurt. Of course it also runs under an hour which works for TV but not necessarily cinema.

They're dull on their own, but great when split and filled with vinagrette, or perhaps cocktail sauce and prawns, or of course mashed up with chillies and peppers.

Not the entire thing but most of it. First starts as a distraction and quickly simply becomes a annoyance.

With Beckett it is more in the plays. They are unbelievably strict about how they are staged, with absolutely no alterations allowed to the text or stage directions. The Pinter estate is also known to be demanding, but at least they will allow a little leeway