Diabolik Returns

Not sure of the pecking order. I remember reports a few years ago that Evander Holyfield, the multi-multi-millionaire boxer who has 'kept hold' of his money, had one of his kid's weddings catered by White Castle. I thought it was a joke but seems to be true, and would fit in with Holyfield's image of being as tight as

Sadly I think with some estate-holding families the orders are 'If they offer money, take it'. You hear about families like the Tolkien estate and, notoriously, the Beckett estate, and others which are fiercely protective of the work and it's reputation, but there must be very many more who just want to squeeze every

I'm not entirely sure of the timings, and given it's now 7.30am and I'm about to go to bed (oh the life of a freelance!) I'll look it up later, but there was certainly a period where was regarded as an asset by the West, then was seen as 'a bit balmy' and… well the rest is horrible history. You know, I bet this is

To be fair I don't think many people knew exactly how barbaric Amin was at the time. He overthrew Milton Obote, who was a total despot and by some accounts serial rapist, and was seen, at least for a while, as an improvement, before he started coming out with the 'Last Conquerer Of The British Empire and Last King Of

I saw As I Lay Dying, which is also as boring as hell, and it also looks really cheap and basic, like very sparse sets, underpopulated locations and, it just seemed to me, a few muffled line readings, as if they didn't have time or budget to go back and re-shoot, or perhaps just didn't care enough. I'm afraid i just

It'll be like this, 'Select theaters and VOD'. No major is going to pick it up. It's being offered round at the EFM in Berlin at the moment but no confirmed takers so far apparently.

First… Iron Man Then… The Avengers
Now… Robert Downey Jr. is…
Coming copiously this summer…

Yes, he was sat 'ere.

You have to put a knife up the slot and wiggle them around….

He also had a sideline selling wheelbarrows.

And that was all she scrote…..

It's going to be a musical, Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamgoat.

Starring Nads Mikkelsen!

He's the lead character, Austin Goatballs.

'…he'd preach his odd mix of God & Goat testicles on border radio,' and that's where I had to wipe the tea off the monitor….

The man of my dreams /
Has a time machine

Kareem Abdul Jabbar is so pissed off, thought he'd really nailed the audition.

When you say '2/3 cup lemon' is that lemon juice or lemon pulp?

So true, a really fresh, well made quiche, served warm, is just delicious. Had a little individual one in Paris a little while back with gruyere cheese, bacon and asparagus and it was indescribably good. And a French tarté citron can induce spontaneous orgasm.