Diabolik Returns

Stupid though it sounds, its difficult to properly ripen fruit at home now through plasma / LCD TVs. Years ago you would put unripe fruit in a bowl, leave it on top of the CRT TV and it would all ripen in a day or two through gentle heat.. My new TV, bought after my last one blew up on Boxing Day, is about 20mm thick,

I've never cooked with Boursin, mostly because it never hangs around long enough to be an ingredient. It generally goes shop - home - gob, usually within about half an hour.

Actually I recorded it, and before I went to bed watched it in the early hours, sitting there in my dressing gown. He's just so staggeringly charming, and once I went to bed I just laughed at the idea of me, in my fifties, sitting there being told a bedtime story by Tom Hardy! I doubt I'm their target demographic.

Just to say, love your stuff. Your enthusiasm, and your recipes, are a breath of fresh air around here these days!

In the future everyone will have three arseholes through eating genetically modified food.

That was an extraordinary, horrible couple of days, including the piece of shit who set up a 'Raoul Moat - Legend' Facebook group.

No, Christian Scientist played Batman in the Christopher Nolan films.

For those not classy enough for a White Castle wedding…..

That's it. We had a good run, now shut it down. Detonate the thermite charges set into the Earth's iron core. Sequence commencing in ten… nine…eight….

I've never been but a friend of mine, a film buff, described it as Wake In Fright with traffic lights, which I thought was great.

Having pooped yourself.

'….I Did It Again,' which two decades later was re-recorded by Britney Spears and became a hit.

Is that the Tittybong which has the Barbara Carttland Museum?

Actually the 'McBob' is served in the Australian McDonald's branches - two wallaby patties, shredded funnel web spiders, a slice of coral snake and a special sauce made by leaving Vegemite out in the sun, all served between two cans of Fosters. Not as good as it sounds.

Once saw a genuine card saying -

Useful if you have a girl / boy friend called Asshat.

That's also what Popeye thinks.

Sadly, 'You're dumped' was written on it in anchovies.

'Why are we celebrating this?' Because this prick is now worm food, and won't be hurting anybody else ever again. That's why.