Diabolik Returns

The late Alan Coren did a series of brilliant articles, The Diaries Of idi Amin, which were just hilarious, although some complained because they were written in a sort of Amin-idiom. The excellent John Bird did fantastic audio versions as well. Actually, from what we know now, they were incredibly kind to Amin, just

One of the broadsheets, may have been The Guardian or The Daily Telegraph did one on the late and utterly unlamented Sir James Goldsmith which was incredible, and made you wonder how he wasn't either in jail or found dead in a ditch with a bullet in his head through all his dodgy political and foreign dictator

I'm strong to the finish /
Coz I hits the missus /
I'm Popeye the sadist man!!

I read a terrific obit of Williamson which made me feel sorrier for him than I ever would have after hearing the horror stories from a friend of mine who worked with him. Apparently the Mirren thing was about 50 / 50 since they could both drink a phalanx of Irish tin miners under the table, and would then get, shall

'Let's see….$50 to uncurl a hot steamy one on the grave, and they'll even throw in one of Ivanka's hagrags to wipe up with. Fucking bargain!'

Any Alf ones? Just asking on behalf of a friend who collects them. The prize pieces of his collection are the entire run of Letraset Styles of the Late 70s, and the Klaus Barbie commemrative editions.

His licence is being examined by top men. Top…. men.

Better than Elderly Pothead Nearly Kills 120 People

This is the man who made What Lies Beneath

Dropping a one tonne door on him?

'Harrison, tell us again that time you mistook Calista for the yardbrush…'

He is indeed '“revered as an excellent pilot in aviation circles,” Flying, he's golden, it's the falling out of the sky, crashing and hitting other planes malarky which is terrifying.

Hang on, what the rule? Half your age plus seven? *takes off shoes and socks to count* Aw nuts…..

Wonderful film, and all the more tragic for being a largely true story.

I had a friend who worked for a paper's obit department, and he knew all the various codewords which were used, most of which were pretty obvious but a few were terrific. It being a British paper, if a Scotsman was described of being of 'Hibernian temprament' it usually meant a truly nasty bastard. There were various

I imagine it'll be posted up there within about 8 seconds of transmission.


' I heard they like to rape dogs.' No, that was The Seattle Dograpers, good first album, dire second one. Oh, and the dog rape thing.

'Fortunately, you won’t have to travel to Rome and kill a while bunch of people' Shame, can't stand while people. As Sam Peckinpah said, 'Nothing wrong with shooting while people, as long as the right while people get shot', while making his classic The While Bunch.

The Bad Boys sequel has gone back yet again in the schedules. Rumours that Smith is waiting till Lawrence dies of his health problems and he can then cast that child-thing of his are purely malicious.