Diabolik Returns

Dear me, haven't seen Prisoners Of The Lost Universe in decades. i suspect it may not hold up too well.

In the UK the first Battlestar Galactica film was shown in Sensurround (remember that?). Seeing it in one of the biggest cinemas in London, the 35mm print, seemingly struck from some sort of telecine source, looked absolutely terrible. And so much repeated footage of Viper launches etc.
Hatch also tried the old option

It is utterly ambrosial, unlike that Australian muck, Vegemite. **starts fire, walks away, whistling**

Quite simply because of the prices some people will pay. When I lived in Rome for a while there was a very fine delicatessan which also stocked various British, American, South African and Australian brands, and jesus some of that stuff was expensive, but there were always customers.

Yes, that's really an extraordinary moment.

'mainstream'….. *giggle*

It really is an incredibly sinister piece of work and, without any spoilers, they - sort of - eventually track down who is behind it, which makes things even more truly uncomfortable. Saw it last year and its really stuck with me. Were I one of the filmmakers I'd have had the home security tightened up dramatically.

Don't know where else to put this, so here's probably as good as any, it's been announced that 'Professor' Irwin Corey has died, having had a damn good innings and reaching the age of 102. Probably not so much remembered these days, he was a remarkable and fascinating performer and comedian. Truly ahead of his time

The next sequel, Thor: Zoo.

Incredibly Jormangdr, Hel, and Fenris are also the names of Gaiman's children!

'Maybe not these days'. Despite your name, Mr. Pryce, you've obviously never been to Wales.

Wow, the audience is going to be so surprised when they discover APB stands for Alf's Pierced Ballbag.

Single, is he?

That's why I keep going back!

As someone who has seen Goblin in concert three times I shall be bookmarking this video…

One of the main problems was casting Burt Reynolds. One review so memorably said 'See him sing, hear him dance!'.

Let's just say it put his claims into context.

I saw the ad on YouTuber.

Bernhard Langer? Nice to know North Dakota's got its priorities right.

My family had a Ford Zodiac back in the mid-60s, first car I can remember us having. I recall it being huge, but then I was only a kid.