Diabolik Returns

That was some sleeve. Oh my yes.

His career took a very strange turn, and last I heard he was doing very serious Christian music programmes on radio, having converted in the mid-80s.

Sometimes I'm… James Bond
Sometimes I'm… Billy The Kid….

Ninja Assassin is jaw-dropping. I mean that admiringly. It is absolutely insane and staggeringly violent and gory for an American-backed pic. Incredibly silly but also terribly entertaining, Scriptwriter J. Michael Straczynski claimed to have written the first draft of the screenplay in something like three days. To

The Karate Kid 4 - Las Vegas, featuring the hit song Not A Girl, Not Yet A Ninja.

The Wah-Wah Diaries is a fantastic, frightening read. God knows how the film turned out so well.

Oh yes, the self-proclaimed 'toughest motherfucker in the five boroughs', yet when someone threw a Lucozade bottle of piss at him at the Reading festival he was off stage so fast he was a blur and didn't stop running till he got to the VIP lounge at Heathrow.

Took $46.4m globally. Not good on a movie costing $40m. This is still dyed deep, deep red.

One of the best stunt double fights is in the terrible Corman version of Vampirella with Talisa Soto (remember her?). Taking on the evil villainess at the end you suddenly realise that Vampirella has surprisingly prominent testicles for a woman.

Sling that cheese, Louise!

Actually Joss Ackland was a neighbour of my mother for several years and they knew each other. He was apparently a nice man but also had expensive tastes, liked very high-end cars and 'lived well', as well as having a lot of kids. He always preferred the stage but that didn't pay enough, so he took almost ever film

I've seen FM. Not bad but will look horrifically dated now. Pretty sure WKRP In Cincinnati was a TV version trying to get a jump on the movie, which was being very heavily promoted while shooting, Hell, some of the characters are basically the same, such as the DJs played by Martin Mull (Eric Swan) in the film, and

I'm warning you, O'Neal, I will not have Monster Dog impugned! Any more of that and you'll have your rotgut priviliges taken away.


Good point, well made.

250 pages of pictures of Linda Blair.


Gaga…….. That's a foreign name, isn't it?

Hands where we can see 'em, Spider!