Diabolik Returns

Ah, one of the film schedules over here has Joe Wright's Darkest Hour as having changed its title to Churchill. Obviously wrong. Thanks for that. Darkest Hour also has one of John Hurt's last performances, so that will be worth seeing.

I'm sure it was, but the building of all those ludicrous backstories and 'beefs' and the invention of deliberately racially and politically offensive characters was where McMahon took it out of the realm of sport and into farce.

It also besmirches the title of a superb album by Craig Armstrong.

I do believe it's cold as hell, tempreture-wise.

His 1997 pic, Funny Bones, is one of the most amazingly weird and hilarious films I've ever seen, and even survives a late-term Jerry Lewis. Extremely bizarre, and set around old British vaudevllle shows, it really is a remarkable and entrancing film. And then he went to Hollywood and that was that.

The title is now Churchill, at least for the moment, to avoid getting confused with that absolutely terrible Moscow-set sci-fi abomination of a few years ago, the one with the alien tinsel.

Bitter? I've just met 'er!

Not as deliciously spiteful as IV in full flow, but 'Inexplicably not based on a hit YA novel' is superb.

Cinefantastique, fine mag. Lost them all in a move. Could have bloody wept.

Come and live in my apartment, the neighbours are noisy fuckers.

It'll come, after he's finished The Hateful Nine.

Now I am become Darth Jam Jar, destroyer of teeth

I'd stay out of choir practice if I were you.

Ratattooing 4: I Want A Swastika On My Ballbag

Huh. This is Fake News, planted by Big Googly.

For those who are intrigued by the concept and want a different version, and fancy a very good chance of throwing up…

This article is already doing my head in. I read 'Calamities promptly set in,' as 'Cala-mi-tees' and wondered if they were a new nationality, creed or alien life form.

Young love is so delicate and beautiful.