Diabolik Returns

That's a paw excuse.

ROCK DOG. See it before the vet cuts his nuts off.

Know two people who saw The Belko Experiment at Toronto, one was disappointed while the other really hated it. Don't get your hopes up too high.

3) is a complex one because I once wrote an article on it and consulted a copyright lawyer. Basically boils down to your can't lay a claim to a word in general use such as 'wall' or 'life' as you could, say, 'Dalek', because they are in everyday use in the realm outside the specific promotion of that particular film.

They'll make movies like this but still haven't made The Haunted Box Of Porn we were promised. More seriously it's rather worrying in that in these films anyone who isn't a hardline Christian is an enemy, a danger, a threat, literally a devil. No character can even be friends with one such, and the idea of having a

Layoffs in that last staff cull. Right-on took it particularly bad, what with the fourth kid coming along and all.

Not all, most 'blockbusters' are increasingly day and date, and even arthouse films are trying to secure condensed release patterns around the world in order to reduce streaming and piracy The Terence Davies would already be out here had the distributor not gone bust.

After The Storm is June 2nd.

Two butt jokes in one thirty-second TV spot. May have to pass on this.

Actually John Wick: Chapter 2, A Cure For Wellness is a terrific titie.

And it told you three postings to tell us that, Joel. We haven't got all fucking day! Spit it out, man. We've got things to do!

Before he started to make super-sentimental crap Peter Chelsom made the remarkable Funny Bones, a truly bizarre British comedy which even survives a turn from late-period Jerry Lewis. A fabulously funny and extremely weird piece of work.…

As McMahon restyled wrestling from a sport to 'sports entertainment', so those terribly rigged matches and cringemaking and usually unapologetically racist 'storylines', 'skits' and fifty-eight other wagonloads of bullshit could be poured into it, so has he done with politics.

I agree sadly, I was crushingly disappointed when I saw it, having loved the other two. It seemed to want to have its cake and eat it, be foul-mouthed, brutal and cynical but also - *wink**wink* - we don't really mean it.
And I had an email read out on Test Match Special, so I can now die a happy man.

It would be more successful if the film wasn't so thuddingly unfunny for long, long stretches and weirdly self-satisfied, but
of course has to have a romantic sub-plot and the involvement of an orphan to give the characters a chance of redemption which isn't in the least earned, and the scenes in Iceland are just

Not often you see the words 'fuck' and 'mode' in the same sentence. Unless its 'fuck' and 'Mohd'.

This opened last September over here, and although I absolutely loved The Guard and Calvary, two different films, I hated it, found it nasty, sour and cynical, but, as with the subplot about the kid, actually not able to fully commit to what it pretends to be. Advice to McDonagh - Don't make a film without Brendan

Yes sir, but we just asked to see your licence and registration.

No, he prefers bearass.

He wasn't doing it right.