Diabolik Returns

The only Jewish hip-hop artist I know is Tupac Kippur.


And much good it did him! Dead as a doornail! It's on the death certificate - Cause of Death: Minnesota.

Same here, it was the first 'adult', as opposed to kid's, programme I regularly watched. Loved it. RIP Mr. Connors.

That scene is currently on YouTuber.

Was he retired? The bear, I mean. Being eaten by a retired bear, that's harsh.

He's a Northerner, they're all as miserable as acid dysentery.

They are the same man in different wigs.

Touching himself at night.

I remember seeing ten minutes of some programme about a guy with an infected 60 pound testicle. Bloody tragic. He didn't have any health insurance and was forced to literally cart this thing about everywhere. Everything's gne wrong when something like that's allowed to happen.

Friend of mine used to smoke fifty a day and we all warned him he'd die young. And he did. Just 31. Okay, so he fell down a lift shaft but we were right!

That headline is far too long and cumbersome.
You could edit it down to 'Fox Back Passage'.

Tomato paste?

Half of the crime-fighting duo Batman and Rabin?

And a Faygo dependancy. What does that stuff taste of anyway?

Kane Hodder? Juggalo Voorhees?

Meth is one hell of a drug.

There's juggalo porn too. It….. isn't very appetising.

There was a great episode of the British TV series Phoenix Nights where, for a children's party, they organise face-painting and cut all the stencils, one of the guys volunteering to try it out. He has a cat put on his face with spray paint, orange and white with black whiskers and eyebrows, that sort of thing, only