Diabolik Returns

That's good but Suspiria was such a technical problem as well. The pic was shot on the last stock of three-strip Technicolor, which was popular in the fifties, but the only processing machines for it had long since been sold to China, and one had to be re-exported back to Rome. Apparently the Technicolor lab in Rome


No Suspiria? Really?

She'll be lonnnnngggggg out of the picture by then, traded in for a newer model.

Two of whom were Eva Mendez and the girl.

I'd go along with that, but he's also serving up top class prosciutto with The Haunted Palace and The Raven. Madhouse is an underrated little pic, with Price playing a faded horror movie star.

His version of And Soon The Darkness is brilliant. Oh the twist at the end when you realise who the murderer is. The remake, from five or so years ago, is just unbelievably bad.

Not the draught stuff. If it's against the clock then it should be something really frothy and gassy. There used to be a vile soft drink called Cresta, the ad line of which was 'it's frothy, man', and was just neon-coloured froth and bubbles and diabetes in a glass. Wasn't so much a drink as sugar foam with some

Or four pints of Guinness, they'll slow him down.

Some of Fuest's most imaginative work was on TV's The Avengers, and his adaptation of Michael Moorcock's The Final Programme, retitled The Last Days Of Man On Earth in the US, is just superb. The various horror stories of what happened to him on the set of The Devil's Rain (Shatner! Borgnine! and although you can't

Mother, May I Sleep With Bland Mediocrity?

And the same to you, Idina……

Embarrassingly it was shoplifting, of all things. And really for pathetically little money, all things considered. Strange, and there were hints that AWT had had some sort of mental collapse, and you don't see him around anymore.
My favourite Ainsley story was when he did a BBC programme about barbecues and the like

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall is matched only by the British chef Anthony Worrell-Thompson in the name stakes, until AWT was involved in some ….. unpleasantness, which means he isn't on the telly anymore.
The wonderful comedian Barry Cryer used to say 'They claim there's no truth in advertising. Only the other day I saw

Stephen, go out in the sun, eat some fresh fruit, get some exercise, got to the doctor's and get yourself checked out, and most importantly of all find the picture editor who framed the header picture and punch them in the throat.

Did you like the hats?

Yes, but what about the hats?

Rebolling it……

A hat, eh…….. now I'm intrigued.
'Are you still playing that shootey-shootey video game?'
'No, mother, I'm exchanging water for hats' *gets clip round ear….*