Diabolik Returns

The Resident Evil series. Budget for the first five - $250m. Theatrical take before video, DVD, ancillary, cable etc - $916m. With advertising and marketing probably being in the range of being 1.25 to 1.5 times budget the series is probably $300m or so up before the final one is even released. Certainly saved

I heard he died when his nuts went rusty.

'Director Lance Hallstrom' It's LASSE Halstrom, you fuckwit Hughes! Which is - you know - apposite and makes this all the weirder. Christ above….

Not many people are going to spay good money for tickets after this.

They're panicing, and making it up on the woof.

His name is also an anagram of Jog Dash, which just can't be right….

Maybe Detective Merlin O'Wands, as will be his name in the series, will bring her back to life. Or guess your card was the eight of saucepans or something…

'Didn't I see you last night at the bisqueotheque?' (oh my god I'm so sorry….)

'So you're shocked at my criminal genius, Detective Clement, looking at me like that, with your eyes on stalks…'

There's nine?

Have the magician investigate a different murder every week and call it Abracadaver. Thank you ABC, please fill the money pit in the back garden. [Edit] Fuck! Beaten to the punch again.

They could be playing…. the most dangerous game…. where the prey is….. a lemur with a bad leg….

Somebody has just given me a disc of The Apple, which I'm dying to watch. But of course the real Holy Grail of utterly fucked-up weird sci-fi musicals is this, and apparently it's yet odder and stranger than Golan's film. Finally came out on DVD in the UK in 2012, forty-two years after it was made, its first release

Aha! There was a very limited edition promotional version of the game given away at, I think, the Cannes film festival that year. I know an Altman fanatic who has one although I think it's just a publicity thing rather than an actual, viable game.

Much the same can be said for Altman's Quintet, which I found a real trial, and I'm pretty sure I read somewhere Altman admitting he didn't know what it was about or understood the rules of the actual game they play. [Edit] Really should read further down first…

'Beautifully appointed basement apartment, suitable for someone into DIY.'

Unfortunately that Anchor Bay set in the sphere had a terrible habit of scratching the discs.

What is? Apart from Maximum Overdrive?

One of the first films I ever remember really 'sitting down and watching' on the TV was Taras Bulba, an early '60's sort of Mongolian warlord thing with Brynner and Tony Curtis. Must have been about eight. My god, I loved it! What were these incredible things called films which told these wonderful stories! I must