Diabolik Returns

I refuse to believe there's someone called 'Chad Nackers'. It's just too damned good. Anyway, enjoy retirement Diamond Joe, you've earned it, both in fantasy and reality.

God, that bloody song is so catchy, that's it rattling round my head for the next few hours.

I still chuckle at the revelation he eats about 1/3 of a tonne of cod per year, and not that much else.

A real pity. he was a good solid, dependable character actor with presence, of which there seem to be fewer these days. RIP Mr. Ferrer.

I'm trying to pimp my car to look like a toilet from the Fast and Furious saga! It….. it isn't going well…

You're the expert.

Gon-na run all day,
Bet my money on the bobtail nag,
Somebody pissed on the bed…..

'Lord Smallgloves'. Perfect.

'Motion activated' *snerk….*

I will flick the Vs at this icon of Joseph of Arimathea for every upvote I get.

I never thought anything else!

'"I touch it, it's mine" is still a family catchphrase' Really wouldn't boast about that.

Challenge accepted!

Controversial opinion, Steve Potter, if that is indeed your name!

Nor, for a laugh, snort vodka. I simply cannot emphasise this enough. There is not a font size so big, a degree of bold so bold, or a font so emphatic enough to stress, beyond argument, DO NOT SNORT VODKA.

I really fancy this.
Well, I don't
Nobody asked you.
Stop arguing, you two.
Well, he's an idiot.
You take that back, he's my friend!
I don't need to be defended by a girl!
What's all this arguing.
These clowns are arguing.
Quiet, or I'll call Mum.
You know, your mum's so fat…..
I advise you not to finish that sentance…
Or what?

I'm not eating a chicken's ring….

Their scientists are working so hard soon they'll be able to boast 'Now utterly nodeless! Still a few ganglia hanging around though'.

I don't think you telling someone where they can shove a marrow is really 'an argument about vegetarian food'.

Every gigolo's motto!