Diabolik Returns

Now that is a fantastic dedication to utter stupidity.

No, actually he was a fucking child, you were obviously too polite to call him that to his face.

Some British steampunk band put out a track on wax cylinder a couple of years ago. I think it also came with a flat-packed cardboard gizmo which, if you punched out the template and put tab A into tab B etc, with an elastic band and sewing needle, could be used to actually 'play' the damn thing, if of course you

Erdogan creating a separate island in the middle of Istanbul. That can only be benign and for the good of all..

Of course, I'm just blaming my reading glasses. Glad to hear she got through it though, it's a horrible disease. Please don't take this the wrong way but perhaps being statuesque helped her fight it.

It has dated very, very badly. Absolutely horribly. The references, the style, the techniques, the scripts, everything. Also Rowan and Martin themselves remind me of what somebody once said about another terrible comedy act, Mike and Bernie Winters, in that their's was a comedy duo comprising two straight men.

Absolute evil brilliance.

The opening sequence is terrific, especially with the sound mix, which is really unsettling, and the dog-fighting sounds, and the long, long hold on that shot of the statue and Merrin. It's when you get to the US that the horrible acrylic turtlenecks appear. It's one of those pics which really does deliver the first

I imagine he's on suicide watch. Or perhaps that'll be when Friedkin goes.

Good for her. I confess I read that as '…she's on Amazon and in her 50's' which puzzled me briefly.

I believe there are rather a lot of people who touched cloth at that point.

When I saw Exorcist III, at that scene a woman screamed. Not just a yelp but a real three or four second howl, real genuine terror and losing her shit sort of thing. That put everybody even more on edge. That scene is all the more remarkable is that you know something is going to happen, and Blatty draws it out

I must admit it shook me, badly, especially the turning head, but when I saw it again at the cinema again about ten years later I really didn't see anything in it at all, apart from perhaps how badly it's shot. Some of the framing and colour palette are just ugly.

*slowly, timidly raises hand* In my defence I was 13, the film, in the UK, was an X, so over 18s only, and me and my friend Anthony wore our most adult clothes and somehow tried to act 'mature', which I'm sure fooled absolutely fucking nobody, especially Anthony having hosed himself down with his dad's Old Spice, but

'…tosses Dik out the window'. And there was me blaming a pigeon…

Should have been 'was spewing pea SOUP!' Keep going, kid, you ain't bad.
- Gags Beesley

And The Squeeze, terribly underrated pic.

You might want to explain the b/w photo of the 'Arab Prince', Blatty's appearance on Groucho Marx's quiz show You Bet Your Life. There's no mention of it in the text and yet is one of the most extraordinary events in Blatty's life. If you print the picture at least tell the story. Is nobody copy-editing this stuff at

I do indeed.

It was in the UK. Believe me he was so eager if it was only released on SECAM Philips V2000 he would have bought a machine specially.