Diabolik Returns

But beware, some utter scoundrels have retitled some pics to cash in, I noted a Carnosaur III which was actually a previously released pic called Altered Species. Is there no common decency left in the movie industry these days.

I've seen Carnosaur II, with John Savage giving a wonderful performance as an Oscar-winning actor now utterly incapable through drink, even if that isn't quite the role as written.

Amazing to think director Stacy Title's debut was the terrific black comedy The Last Supper back in 1995. Now there's a film worth a revival.

Saw it at the London Film Festival and loved it. Yes, it does get very, very gruesome indeed but is also a terriflcally engrossing piece of work, and really works despite the leaps of logic needed. I was rather worried that I came out feeling hungry. Buy a ticket for a vegan you hate and tell them its a documentary

You know they've been matured to perfection, and finally released only when the world was finally ready to cope with their insight and genius..

But its never been cheaper, so who cares if you have to evacuate the apartment and the eventual pizza is inedible, its never been cheaper!!

At least you're not wasting the single malt….

Haven't we already had all of these offered at least once before?

He's huge in Japan, in fact the band X event wrote a song for him….

He knows well enough, some argument with O'Neal over a frock.

Reed told of how he pleaded with the director Carol Reed, his uncle, to change Bill Sykes' line to Nancy, 'Of course I loves ya, I lives with ya, don't I' to 'Of course I loves ya, I fucks ya, don't I', but the director was, understandably, having none of it.

Caption contest:

Don't let James Franco hear that….

Eugéne Green is one of the really divisive filmmakers. I like his stuff generally, if finding it a bit self-indulgent at times, but I know people who just can't stand anything he's done.e

And shorter. Mind you, Satantango seems shorter than most Bay films….

A. Yes
B. Couldn't give a shit
C. See B

Last year Paramount announced they were taking a $115m write-down on this clunker before it had ever opened anywhere in the world. That is not a vote of confidence. It was also shot back in April / May 2014, was originally scheduled for May 2015. and been changing release dates ever since, again not a good sign.

I read that as '…a Canadian burlesque artist who had a poutine'.

I had a girlfriend who loved me doing that, since almost all her previous b/fs had barely done it to her, and she certainly used to thrash around, to the point that I got kneed in the side of the head one evening, nearly knocking me out.