Diabolik Returns

Who's that big pasty man on the Shark Memorial?

'…such celebrities as Selena Gomez, Chelsea Handler, and Chrissy Teigen, all of whom…' have switched to them after giving up black tar heroin.

Moby Dip?

'Huge Galdones' has to be the name of a Filipino porn star.

'…who are into Crazy Town in 2016 and people into creepy animated animal sex?' That's Utah you're describing.

The first Shrek wasn't in 3D.

Yes, but taking your littlest to a midnight screening of Cannibal Ferox when he was three and a half probably contributed to his glassy-eyed, twitchy state these days….

Crooks escaping….

Very smart, not saying American Psycho 2, a sequel absolutely nobody knows about…..

HEY! This guy's using foreigner words! Can we use the Patriot Act to bang his Commie-Izlam-Chinese-Mexican lovin' ass up yet?

Do you still have your own Power of Attorney?

I got taken to see that by a girlfriend. Probably the first Disney animation I'd seen in twenty years. Quite enjoyed it, as in didn't hate it or walk out, and was a bit surprised at the end the villain got, even if it was only in silhouette, and pretty faint at that.

True, since I found a review of it in the Dunwich Telegraph and Post - 'The entire production, under the direction of drama teacher Mrs. Amplebosum, was a simmering cauldron of faeces, except for Mr. Deltoid's lithe, supple, virile and pert-buttocked Duke Frederick.'

Yes there is, if we're talking about the 1974 8mm spanking movie set at a residential institute for naughty schoolgirls.

That's rather sad. Did you continue the following season?

Apart from telling them to eat shit and die screaming?


She makes blue movies…..

It is pronounced 'Lassie' actually….

Mutants In Cars Getting Coffee