Diabolik Returns

Alongside Ben Mendhelson, now glomming about in Rogue One to fine effect.

The X-Men were originally to have been called Logan's Heroes.

It did in fact win six of the shiny little blighters. All technical awards but still….

Somewhere Dougray Scott is weeping silently, every day for seventeen long years………

Years ago Troma wanted to run some spoof ads for one of the Toxic Avenger films for an Oscar campaign and Variety point blank refused to run them, saying they debased the value and dignity of the Academy or some such crap.

Damn you and your logic and facts and….. stuff…..

Well yes, but sometimes there's a queue….. although it makes the drive-thru experience more interesting.

A completely invented badass American hero, which somewhat clashes with the film's claims to veracity.

'If you you're interested in actual sex anything you want is just a mouse click away on the internet.' WHAT? WHERE? Why haven't I been informed of this before now?!!

….with my hand.

Is 'Clown's Pocket' one of them?

Nope - Elljah Mundo. RIP. Just hooted when I first heard that.

A film at which I was at one point sitting in a packed cinema in fits of silent laughter, literally shaking, since I had not come across the US chain 'Squat N'Gobble' before…..

Sitting Bull Durham.

Oater Africa.

For Cinemax one would have said nobody gives a toss, but then……

One would have thought you, of all people, would be interested in mental health matters and the consequences thereof.

Yep, drinking cocktails from the beginning of reel one to the credits in reel six. And never once throwing up.

Or the one on the late and rather racist British poet, Beware The Spenderman.

Remedy that situation at your earlier convenience.