Diabolik Returns

Actually Surge Arrest was a lauded Lithuanian weightlifter.

Tax prep software! That's all my Christmas shopping taken care of! Really looking forward to my friend's faces lighting up when they open that little lot!

And a Merry Xmas to you, Santa!

The London production back in the 80s had Yaphet Kotto in the lead. i never saw it but a friend of mine said it was one of the best things she had ever seen on stage.

Nicely put.

Wasn't it Leslie Bovee? ……. And now I've given away that i know far too much about 70s porn……

Wrong, wrong, wrong. The correct technique is to open the whisky, say the word 'Kettle' out loud, then drink, otherwise it isn't *really* a toddy.

Almost any fruit tea with ginger, there are a number of good Turkish brands, will go well.

Still, better than sticking your arm in up to the elbow and swishing it all round till you dig a hole in the wall of effluvia. Or so I've heard.

No, just a slang phrase. Hijinks on the rung under the Xmas tree on Xmas Eve as always a highlight of the holiday for me.

And how many of those 43 women were at it like knives under those self same trees on Xmas Eve?….

The bottom one of that stranded ship is just beautiful.

Or Borg & McEnroe, with Shia La Boeuf as John McEnroe….

Where's 'Cheap Toy Roundup' or whatever it used to be called, loved that…..

I saw it on a plane. fell asleep, when I woke up one of them was dead and I couldn't work out who. It didn't entirely engage me, may be the gist of this comment.

Uganda at whatever you like.

It's what they construct ship's kitchens from (*dies of shame*).

Ten to four in the afternoon and you've got me fancying roasties…… and Yorkshires. And sprouts. And turkey, stuffing, etc…. Hell's teeth I want the full works, right now!

Odds bodkins!