Diabolik Returns

You used to be able to get past the block by using the French 'ç', but don't tell anybody.

I'm So Excited was ghastly. I thought he'd outgrown movies like that. So glad he's recovered with this.

That's truly sad. I once knew an absolutely gorgeous Japanese woman of (about) 35, who was working in the London office of a Japanese multinational. She was fabulous, amazingly intelligent, funny, just terrific. She was offered a promotion but it would have meant returning to head office in Tokyo, but she turned it

Until I read what the Lechon was that too wasn't exactly delicious looking, The meat is a bit grey.

I think the real interpretation is for thirteen little items, so one almond = one dessert, same with berries or slivers of fruit etc. My partner, who lives in Paris, says for her family's big Xmas meal, which is on the night of Xmas Eve, dessert is just little plates of nuts, cubes of sponge cake, candied fruit,

I actually really enjoyed this, packing in as it does most horror styles, even if only in passing. Cox is clearly enjoying himself and the eventual 'explanation' of who Jane Doe is I thought was audacious and is passed off with a completely straight face. You'll never hearing the tinkling of the little bell on your

The 4 kilos of missing coke is hidden under his Irish.

I could see Bryan Cranston as Wenger though, if a little young. Then again I can see Cranston and Chris Pratt playing father and son. Or Stanley Tucci as Pep Guardiola. I have too much time on my hands.

A breaking news story, two men broke into White Hart Lane and stripped the Tottenham trophy room. Police are searching for two men with a carpet. Boom boom! ;)

I don't think I've ever sat through a film and been so baffled as when watching Deadfall. Couldn't work out if it was a drama, a thriller, a comedy, some sort of fever dream, a tax loss…..

Oh Jeez really? I made a gag above joking about Deadfall 2! Oh joy of horrible joys…..

"A Masterrpiece? You Bet Your Arsenal!'

Ooooohhh…. I smell Deadfall 2!

Pants. Hopefully.

The Last Temptation Of Christmas

[Above: O'Neal pictured in Santa hat and pixie boots]

A veritable Who's That? of TV talent!

A Travis Bickle Xmas!

No. Next question please.