Diabolik Returns

Maybe I should leave the towels on it….

I heard the bottom dropped out of that mag, or something like that….

I got a gift subscription to Agonising, Towel Rail-Biting Shit last year. I really need better friends.

Well, that's a word….

There's only so much you can do for some people. Concentrate on yourself for a while, you've done enough for him.

I'm not a fan, didn't see any of the 'second trilogy', and was dragged to see The Force Awakens, which I surprisingly quite liked (the excellent 3D helped), but the advance word on Rogue One is really really good….. may have to drag my complaining carcass to the pix to see it, after the Xmas rush, if only for that

If anybody gets me anything Star Wars-themed for xmas they're going to be getting a rogue one, right in the plums.

Sorry to hear that. Fingers crossed for you buddy, and hope things get better after bastard 2016 ends.

In 1962 Hammer Films made a pirate movie, The Pirates Of Blood River, and built a full-sized galleon along with a three-foot model to set fire to for the end of the film. The full size one was so badly built and so dangerous, constantly leaking and in danger of capsizing, that they eventually set fire to the real one

Two Corinthians walk into a bar…

Best of luck…. what's he doing for Xmas?

Wee flood? You poor people, that sounds terrible!

How could you not like the most prominent beard on US TV.

Ernest Gets Ripped In Half
Grizzly Man On Ice

Steven Seagal in Podgy Vengeance.

The Muppets could do a version, Two Lovers And Good Grief The Comedian's A Bear.

Only for the nudie women.

Guy goes into a shop and sees a thermos flask, asks what it does. The shop assistant says it keeps it stuff hot and cold stuff cold, so the guy buys one. He takes it to work and a colleague asks what it is, so he says 'It keeps hot stuff hot and cold stuff cold.' His friend says 'What have you got in it,' and he says

Fhucking silly way to spell it.

Sorry to hear that, really am. Could you get your crazy Puerto Rican friend to do the actual arsoning?