Diabolik Returns

Funny you should ask. No.

A few years ago BBC Radio 4 broadcast a dramatised version of Delia Derbyshire's life and career, Blue Veils And Golden Sands, with Sophie Thompson playing her. really quite sad, she suffered terrible personal and emotional problems in her later years, but very much worth listening to if you can track it down.

Squid with wings? Is that the vegetarian option?


A cold roast beef sandwich on crusty bread with a lot of horseradish is what I would probably order as my last meal before the firing squad. Oh, and some poison.

What do you think Teti's using that 55 gallons of lube for?

I remember reading a piece years ago about a variation of this which was 'roasting' people rather than eating them raw, 'genuinely' cooking and devouring them, which is definitely a cannibalism adjunct. Those - few! - involved would be tied to spits and revolved over fake fires by their partners. Whenever I think the

'Do you have a secret method for keeping your turkey moist?' You're asking that on the Savage Love page?…..

Directed by John Voreman, with a score by Ennio Voriconni, poster designed by Andy Vorhol.

Old-fashioned hand clippers, to trim his moustache, the sort barbers used fifty or so years ago.

Which was shot down the road from me in East London, being passed off as NYC, Cannon being cheap bastards. And it's terrible…..

You'd think his parents would have named him Phineas……

I wonder what insults there are in that particular fetish? 'You cheap, sleazy vore!" 'He was voreing her out to other men!" 'They ended up in a vorehouse!'. 'The Vore of Babylon'. 'Tis Pity She's A Vore'. 'The Best Little Vorehouse In Texas'. It's 6.28am and I really should be going to bed now….

I enjoyed this but, yes, what is on screen is fascinating but there really needs to be more of it. As a starter though it is engrossing, and the clips are indeed well chosen and gripping. Sadly we never got to see Mifune as Tiger Tanaka in You Only Live Twice when he pulled out through scheduling clashes, to be

It was Red Sun. There was an attempt to remake it about a decade ago but the financing fell through during pre-production. Personally I loved it when I saw it aged about twelve. Would like to see it again.

I know that now, but at the time I was too busy literally mopping it up off the floor and trying not to go arse-over-tit in the kitchen.

Down the spout.

Somehow, Burl, I knew this.

I do, but being a meta hipster arsehole I use it to keep teabags in. Honest.

I'm a pink teapot!
*puts left hand on hip*
You're a blue teapot!
*puts right hand on hip*
*looks down*
Oh fuck, I'm a sugar bowl…..