Diabolik Returns

He's just run off, and he's a bugger to catch.

I have an Iron-man waffle spider. Beat that.

Down with this sort of thing.

Green and white-hooped top and sectarian hate tattoos?

See ya.

I was amazed when Baddy Evilmann and Natas Alucard were revealed as villians at the end of that film, whatever it was.

Shame he never did a Harold Pinter play….

A friend of mine is an actor for whom one of his very early bit parts on TV was billed as 'Frightened Man In Lavatory'. We remind him of that occasionally.

Because they were there!

The child of a friend caught a TV ad for Curly Sue and called it 'Curly Poo'. Laughed about it for the next three months….

Dante's Peak mentions 'Mr. Bronson's Driver' in the end credits.

Upvoted for the mention of Paganini.

Just looked him up. Old bugger is still alive. Endorsed Romney last time around the spiral of Hell but isn't endorsing anybody this time.

Chcocolate chip, oatmeal and raisin or Rohypnol?

Actually the bit about Aer Lingus is not that too far from the truth.

That, sir, is a fine and magnificently obscure reference. She's still around though, makes a lot of Italian and German telly.

Say what you want about the Deputy Sheriff in The Dukes Of Hazzard, at least he's an Enos.

And who the hell buys shoes by post?
