Van Buren Boys

That’s the weirdest thing (And proof Trump is just a leveled up piece of trailer trash). Trump lived and worked in a place where he could have gotten hamburgers and fried chicken a million steps above what McD’s and KFC offer on their best day, because although it’s not often talked about, being Chef at the WH is not

Yeah, if you pay more for sex than you do in taxes, then you do not belong in the “winning” column in life.

His death cult will continue on, but this is the final door shut on of his presidency.

Side note: Favorite new nickname for Trump after this tax story.

Bottom not idealize spiritual teachers in ANY discipline, especially the men. 99.9% of them are charismatic narcissists who talk a good line and are in it for the sex and the power.
I’ve seen cults form around these people far too many times in my own personal experience, and it’s always very very ugly in the

Why does that Bible look so big in his hand? Oh, I get it.

Mike Pence’s heart grew 3 sizes this day. Which is too close to feeling affection for another man, so he will be attending an intense “Conversion Camp For Senior Politicians” next week. 

“Is that your Bible?”

Cheer up, Terry. You know what they say;

I think the most charitable interpretation of his first point is that abuses of power are not due to a flaw in white males but a flaw in humanity itself. Why he feels the need to obscure that with half-assed attempts at humor is beyond me. I don’t recall anyone serious accusing white men alone of some genetic or

Once again, “when you are accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression” has been proved true. Keep it coming, old white men.

I probably shouldn’t have generalized, but I do know that some museums who have boards with too much say in the day-to-day running of the museum, which is a massive problem. And while I don’t think we should strip the boards of all power, we need to be more careful about how much power they have and who is on a board.

Boards do not usually run everything like that, though. It’s a nonprofit structure so the Board does have oversight of the museum. However, they are chosen not per se for their art knowledge but because they have art/are interested in art and have expertise in other useful fields -law, finance, business, etc. They are

Fantastic comment. Out of the grays you go!!!

This is a great comment - I also wish it wasn’t in the greys.

Im always in the greys, but as a current museum studies student who helped unionize the last museum I worked at, I feel like the target audience for this article.