I read on 538 that Nixon’s approval didn’t really suffer until after the Saturday Night Massacre, which was pretty far along in the game.
I read on 538 that Nixon’s approval didn’t really suffer until after the Saturday Night Massacre, which was pretty far along in the game.
But can’t non-Old fathers also quote Dylan? I thought that was sort of like quoting Leviticus. Whereas quoting, say, The Fugs would be strictly for Boomer dads.
You could have quoted Dylan: “He not busy being born is busy dying.”
“And if you act now, I’ll throw in beautiful Baffin Island at no extra charge!”
I’d like to see animatronic Trump in the back corner of the Hall of Presidents, sitting on a toilet, with a Big Mac in one hand & an iPhone in the other, tweeting to the world while vocally straining to pass an enormous turd—& then have a massive, fatal, Elvis-on-the-toilet style animatronic stroke. At some point…
That animatronic Trump could be the basis for one scary fucking Westworld knock-off.
Yeah, an apostrophe is totally incorrect for “liddle” which makes this tweet doubly or trebly weird. CNN actually fixed his mistake for him. Clearly nobody’s editing/filtering some of Trump’s tweets, unless you count the insane monkey inside his head.
Damn indeed! That’s Angelica Huston in The Witches.
Reminds me of an Onion headline:
I’m remembering a Gawker comment I read back in the summer of 2016:
And I did not in any way appreciate my own urine’s intense, structured imprint of chewy tannins, nor did I linger over its richly dappled secondary notes of apple and fig.
He’d been aspiring toward that cosplay for a while, it seems. This is from his pre-PM days.