
This article is true in its overall point, but misses the biggest play of the game. It wasn’t the interception, but the illegal block that came two plays before. Louisville was down 16-7, and Jackson broke free to make an incredible run of 60 yards before being forced out of bounds inside the Clemson 10 yard line. The

“Looks great.”

Thats because its bullshit.

I took an act that put me in no physical danger and felt to get even I should throw a projectile at a human head with the speed and force that can kill. Of course, this is okay because it happened in a SPORTZ match!

I broke an unwritten rule at work the other day and I got nailed with a fastball (kinda) right in my temple.

Sucks when someone fucks you non-consensually, doesn’t it?

I never thought we’d be here, but, congratulations to the Detroit Lions on making a smart personnel move.

If the windows don’t function, the electronics are messed up and the lights are malfunctioning it is possible it is water damaged.

“That might raise some eyebrows,” Indians play-by-play man Matt Underwood said after Walcott went down.

So when a custody fight hits the 8 year mark, is it safe to assume that the “adults” care only about hurting each other and give zero fucks about the best interests of the child?

“Homeless guy walks up to my car, yells at me and says insulting things.”

Bettman: Calgary residents should make their voices heard about financing a new arena.

Definitely waaay better than alone in a nursing home, marinating in your own filth.

76 years old and going out in a high speed crash in a muscle car. I can think of worse ways to sign off.

See if you can spot the Ohio State fan who hates disrespecting the game:

The only things less cool than this apology was the way the flag immediately fell over when he planted it, and adult people thinking that a guy who won a football game planting a football flag (badly) in the grass of a football stadium is somehow “disrespectful” in any meaningful way.

I did not mean for it to be disrespectful to any Ohio State people at all

On the one hand, it’s Ohio State, so fuck ‘em. There is no other hand.

Strangely, he actually didn’t get the idea from Australian Rules Football, but from watching a tape of Christian Hackenberg throwing the ball in pre-season.

He’s just reporting what he’s heard.