Also, they used a Metallica font and an AC/DC pun. Jesus fucking christ.
I maintain that the concept of a “team doctor” presents an immediate conflict of interest, one that sacrifices a player’s long term health for the short-term benefit of the team, who can toss aside the player (on a non-guaranteed contract, no less) as soon as he becomes replaceable
That’s a fair point, and if I’m taking a guy long term, sure I’ll go with Peacock, but he’s almost 30 too and this is the first year he’s shown any real value. 80 innings isn’t enough for me to consider him any kind of safe bet.
Also, Al Avila has shown to be completely unqualified for the top GM job. Shit, the best decision he may be fully responsible for in his tenure is probably bringing his kid back to town to play a part-time role.
I feel like Bartolo’s uniform should include suspenders at this point.
“Hold my beer”
- The Bears
Fumbles beer
- The Jets
Recovers beer, chugs beer, shouts “69", spikes beer into ground
- Gronk
“Not in any room I’m standing in” - Internet Tough Guy.
Starred for posting your extended (and hard-earned) self-pity to the wrong article, which seems very Jets.
This is less surprising then finding a Confederate Flag in Stephen Miller’s bedroom.
The DBacks do have a claim under their agreement that the County hasn’t properly funded the maintenance of the stadium. And under the agreement and Arizona statute they had to notice and pursue their claim against the County within a certain period of time. But the way the team gone about it has been an unmitigated…
Or just go man, maybe they’ll cut you
My dad wanted to order a 991 Turbo S, got the non-stop run around from the huge Porsche dealer in Bellevue, called up the one in Bellingham (Roger Jobs), they couldn’t have been more professional and courteous, drove up there and put his order it with zero fuss and bull. When I was looking for a Cayman, went right to…
I always find it funny when dealership employees or any employee for that matter make fun of people who can’t afford a $200k car or other pricy stuff. Dude, you are a sales employee. You can’t afford that shit either, so don’t act all mighty.
A front loaded NFL contract that they had no intention of honoring? They must have thought the NIH was a player.
“College athletes shouldn’t be paid because they get a free education.”
“Some of y’all can count TO TEN?!” it just my computer or does that gif really suck?
Why do this bullshit at all? Anyone with a functioning brain is going to say “but you’re cool with Zeke Elliott being a dipshit?” If they just cut him without all of fanfare about looking like they take off the field shit seriously, no one is talking about this. I swear to god, people who work for NFL teams are the…
Really though, as a scientist, I’ve learned not to judge an additive by its name. Just because you don’t know what it is doesn’t mean it isn’t ‘food.’