
Without being on the field and talking to him, no one knows if he was aiming for the upright or not.

What’s even, even worse is that he said after the game that he’s going to keep doing it.

Yeah, ok, great dude. You cost your team the game and then instead of accepting your mistake, you double down that you should just keep on keeping on.

As a Bills fan, I have to tell you that when the Pats handed Gilmore big money, we laughed and laughed (and then threw each other through flaming tables) and laughed.

Baseball: a sport where a serious man gets upset at his opponent for not helping one of his own guys play better.

I think his point is that since his NFL career was so short, either CTE can happen very quickly, or else the normal amount of pre-professional football one needs to play in order to make the NFL is enough to cause CTE. Neither conclusion is acceptable to the NFL

I totally agree with you, but you cannot disregard the years of Pop Warner, High School, College, practice, etc...

You couldn’t pay me to read those stories, but I just wanted to say: the length of this post is horrifying.

Here we see the offroader 6x6 in its natural habitat, crawling delicately around the treacherous streets of Monaco.

Did you know that Antonio Gates played basketball?

I’d like to know what Ford says about not really selling them. All the press cars are “R” models, yet you can’t go buy one, I ordered one in 16 couldn’t get it, ordered a 17, now have an 18 ordered (and don’t expect to get it either). Lots of GT350's around, yet can’t get an R (unless you’re willing to pay a mega

There’s a LOUD button, but the options really are just “loud” and “LOUD

I’m all for creating memories, the best ones usually bend or break the law a little. They’re usually the dumb ones as well. Which, if you get away with it, also make the best memories.

Another fun fact: Goo Jesus was Peter North’s original stage name.

Fuck off McAdoo. Definite bullshit to put this on Manning. The receivers were dropping balls, the o-line was offering little to no protection, and the rushing game was shit. That’s an awful combination for any quarterback to overcome.

Lang may have killed it but Greg Robinson is a train wreck at LT. Decker can’t get back soon enough. 

As bad as Eli was, and he was bad, he wasn’t helped out by his wide receivers. There was a lot of very key drops during the second half that Eli made perfect throws on, but none of the WR could hold onto the damn ball. The dropped ball just before the punt return TD pretty much killed what little chance the Giants had

My son has a heart defect and at the grand old age of 2, has had three open heart surgeries and currently has his sternum wired closed. An armor protector like this could help him immensely with pain and sensitivity to his ribs when doing every day activities in the future like school and sports.

I think Charmin Sandiego is a better name than The Mad Pooper.

Now playing

Good Welsh wing play isn’t without precedence, you know.

It is a really fun little piece of schadenfreunde to think that the owners cashed in their only winning chip in the game of chicken they play with cities when they want a new stadium. LA was a far better threat than it is as a reality, and there’s no good threats left.