
Ugh, I went to school with someone like that. You’d tell her a story about, like, how you once broke down on a highway and the dude who stopped to help looked like an axe murderer, and then three months later, she’d be like, “Hey, did I ever tell you about the time that I broke down on the highway and a guy stopped to

I think it’s important to recognize that these texts weren’t meant to be public. It’s okay to be privately frustrated that this is dragging on and could (at least, based on what she thought at the time) be ended.

Miller was in her life for much longer than Davidson, Miller was there for her through the horror of the bombing and the concert after it....not to mention what I’m sure she went through trying to help him cope with his addiction. I suspect, like a lot of people, she didn’t break up with him because she didn’t love

What has been most striking to me about this event are the teeming hordes who gleefully applaud the coaching violation as correct and are blind to the problem of selective enforcement.

This doesn’t surprise me. Cycles of abuse are self-perpetuating. I’m surprised more people aren’t pointing out how distressingly similar the details of this assault are to her allegation against Weinstein: the grooming and isolating of the victim, providing alcohol before attacking etc. It’s infuriating to think

Titanium and zinc oxide sunscreen work much better, but they leave white streaks on the skin and people don’t like that so sunscreen producers switched over to less effective stuff that doesn’t leave a residue.

I’m pulling my read of Eureka from the Black Queens. There is something there, I think she is obliviously white and unaware of her privilege (in the South) and in this drag world. There’s some running beef right now. I want more info. But, there is definitely some shit she has said and the way she’s positioned

Is it weird that I can’t picture Trump as someone who hits women? Gaslighting, groping, rape, general disrespect, emotional abuse? Sure. He’s an absolute piece of festering shit in every way, but honestly I just can’t picture him listening to or engaging in an argument with a woman long enough to escalate to physical

I actually honeymooned in Canada, kind of accidentally. I’d been to Montréal many times and when I met the guy who’s now my husband I said, “We’ve never been away together. Why don’t we go to Montréal? I can speak French. I can’t speak Québécois, but they can understand French if they hear it.”

And here’s some audio from the interview if you feel like screaming EVEN MORE!

I’m a terrible person. My first thought was “who are the French clapping for?”

lol you don’t really need to be a druggie to eat a little molly at a party. Or, I mean, idk, what does druggie mean?

People: read the links in the story before you pass judgment. If you want a quick overview...

wtf is wrong with you people.

I understand that Taylor has creative control over her videos and music at this point in her career. But watching her dance isn’t fun. It’s neither technically enjoyable to watch, nor is she able to really dance like no one is watching (which is what I think she was going for here). I’ve been really underwhelmed by

I wish we could all just acknowledge that TS does not make “music” in the universally understood meaning of the word. What she does is manufacture sequences of noises that allow her to continue to be worshiped by people who admire blonde whiteness above all things. If you plugged any other “singer” in this song it


Is anyone going to ask men about #metoo or is it only potential female rape victims who get interrogated endlessly as to whether they’ve been raped? Maybe she feels she can’t afford to be truthful. What an ungrateful dumb bitch.

lol HOW IS THIS NEWS TO ANYONE Tarantino has been a creep his entire career. When I was looking at colleges in NYC, my mom and I were eating near NYU and all of a sudden she said, “Look at that crazy homeless person” and pointed at this guy waving his arms and screaming and ranting in the street and I was like mom

Why is he so familiar with what authentic strangulation looks like?