
Wait—JIMMY FALLON was impressed?

We played this song when we cut the cake at my wedding.

“there’s a time, place, and way to talk about these issues.”

This entire post is mocking the article that’s linked, which makes the same “points” I was making, but the author was actually serious. Maybe you should read it.

This entire post is mocking the article that’s linked, which makes the same “points” I was making, but the author

US version

“The Times Up movement has prompted me to pause and reflect upon some of my past behavior and why it was inappropriate. After careful consideration I have decided that it would be best that I do not present the Academy Award for best actress and instead take time to listen and learn about the importance of respect and

Michael Wolff didn’t carry a tape recorder; he used the recorder app on his phone. That’s why Trump & Co. were dumb enough to never realize just how much of their idiocy he was capturing. Now they have, hence the no-iPhone policy.

WHAT are you seriously arguing that he didn’t rape her and therefore he did nothing wrong? is that the standard we have for men?? i would recommend you reread the article. during the end of the encounter, he said “do you want me to fuck you right here?” and she said “no” and he said “ok then lets chill with clothes

Exactly. Stay, go... it doesn’t matter whether she got out of there or not. The fact is that he was a tremendous creep for pressuring her for full-on intercourse when many times, verbally, she had said to slow down or that she didn’t want to have sex, at least not have it on that particular date. He pulled that “does

The mere act of asking someone to fuck when you’re fooling around is something akin to rape? Are you being serious?

If my daughter finds herself in a similar situation, I hope she’s equipped with everything she needs to quickly and cleanly extricate herself. I also hope that if, for whatever reason, she’s unable to, she won’t beat herself up (or be shamed by others) for “failing” to make herself “clear enough”.

I sometimes wonder if it’s a combination if people justifying this because they were in a similar scenario on either the giving or receiving end. They don’t want to be called a victim, because it could bring up traumaor call into question their values. They don’t want to be the perp because they live in a magic land

Non-verbal communication is used for more than just dating. Should women speak up more, yes? Should women feel safe to speak up more? yes. But should men stop overlooking non-verbal communication? No. I don’t believe for a second that men can’t understand non-verbal communication. They seem to understand it well

Asking to relax and chill is obvious. Saying maybe you’ll have sex next time is obvious. Saying you don’t want to feel forced is obvious.

A troll post that got 45 likes. And all the other top-rated comments are similar shit: “nope, no assault here! She went back to his place, she knew what to expect! Why don’t women just stick up for themselves more?!” No nuance of thought, no engagement with the messy politics of consent, no discussion of how Ansari

Stopping for a moment then forging merrily ahead at full speed when someone directly tells you to slow down is not respecting that person’s verbal cues. She had to tell him-verbally, out loud, with words-multiple times that she did not want to proceed further physically because he repeatedly returned to behavior she

Do you know how many women are assualted or murdered when they say no flat out?


Going to someone’s place does not mean you consent to any and all sexual acts following your arrival there, and this idea is damaging as fuck.

If you consent to vaginal sex but not to anal sex, but someone has anal sex with you anyway, when you didn’t consent to it, would you say “Oh but I went back to their place so

The base of most domme relationships period is power and control. These are guys who either have too much on their plates in their 'real life', had some kind of trauma that letting someone else take control helps with, or they just want someone else to take the reins for awhile. It's the same demographic. But while I